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  • Writer's pictureTOBY DEE

Take the most powerful action possible.

Updated: Jan 31, 2022

Imagine someone holding a gun to your head and telling you, "Achieve your objective by the end of the month or die."

What would you do first if you were in this situation?

Would you continue to do what you're doing right now?

Would you make the same choices as you did before?

"A simple question that can deliver powerful results if taken seriously: What is the highest leverage action I can execute on right now?" — James Clear

Instead of reading endless books and over-strategizing company strategies, if you want to be an entrepreneur, go ship something and learn as you go. Otherwise, you'll perish.

When you're feeling overwhelmed and need to focus, ask yourself, "What is the highest leverage action I can take right now?"

Maybe one of them isn't checking everything off your to-do list. Perhaps enrolling in yet another online course will not help you get closer to your goals. Maybe you've already done your homework.

You're all set. All you have to do now is take the most powerful action. Go ahead and put your plan into action. Otherwise, you'll perish.

Love, From TOBYDEE

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